The Beatles and the Resurgence of Western Art Music 2nd Edition Isbn 152494601x

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Lennon: The Albums PDF Book By Johnny Rogan

Lennon: The Albums

  • Author: Johnny Rogan
  • ISBN Code: : 0857124382
  • Publisher : Calidore
  • Page : 192 pages
  • Genre : Music
  • Reviews : 250 Readers
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A comprehensive analysis of every album recorded by John Lennon during his solo years from the finish of the Sixties to his death in 1980, every bit well every bit the posthumous work that followed. A lively and provocative commentary of every song is interspersed with comments from Lennon on his final decade. Features a vocal by song analysis, a song index for easy reference, details of compilations and live albums and details of posthumous releases. From his early experimental work with Yoko Ono, through the startling sound of the Plastic Ono Bandk, the chart-topping Imagine, the political years in New York, the 'lost weekend' in Los Angeles, retirement, the comeback with Double Fantasy and his tragic assasination in December 1980 - Rogan leaves no rock unturned. Johnny Rogan is the author of the best-selling Morrissey And Marr: The Severed Alliance, 1 of the most acclaimed music biographies ever written, and nevertheless a all-time seller since its first publication in 1992. He has written high-profile biographies on The Byrds, Neil Immature, George Michael and his latest, Van Morrison: No Give up was featured in the Sun Times' best books of 2005.

Hold On World PDF Book By John Kruth

Hold On World

  • Author: John Kruth
  • ISBN Code: : 1493052365
  • Publisher : Rowman & Littlefield
  • Page : 248 pages
  • Genre : Music
  • Reviews : 620 Readers

Books Synopsis

Hold On Globe revisits Lennon and Ono'south love thing and startling collaborations. John Lennon'southward Plastic Ono Band was arguably the most emotionally honest anthology ever fabricated. It wasn't merely some other tape but more than like a sonic exorcism, a spiritual, public bloodletting. Lennon's album collection a stake through the heart of the Beatles' myth while confronting everything else in John's life, from Dylan to God to his glorified status as a "Working Form Hero." Adamant to rid himself of past traumas—abandonment by his father and the death of his mother, Julia—Lennon wrote the most powerful song cycle of his career, confronting fear, disappointment, and illusion, all the while espousing his love for Yoko Ono. Released simultaneously, Ono'south album Yoko Ono/Plastic Ono Band is emotionally raw and challenging. It inspired bands similar the B-52s and Yo La Tengo to utilize pure sound, whether shrieking vocals or guitar feedback, to express their deepest feelings.

Lennon On Lennon: Conversations With John Lennon PDF Book By Jeff Burger,John Lennon

Lennon On Lennon: Conversations With John Lennon

  • Author: Jeff Burger,John Lennon
  • ISBN Lawmaking: : 1783239042
  • Publisher : Bus Press
  • Page : 480 pages
  • Genre : Biography & Autobiography
  • Reviews : 497 Readers

Books Synopsis

The electric spearhead of The Beatles meteoric ascent; one half of the most creative and powerful songwriting partnerships ever; figurehead of peace and an icon of generations: John Lennon'south adventure through life is an immortalised legend. Lennon on Lennon is Jeff Burger'south dazzling digest of John Lennon'southward views on the world around him. Sharp, insightful, contrary, witty, opinionated or downright aggressive, these illuminating interviews and quotations open a window into the musician and the homo, and the volatile culture in which he lived, and died. Most of this material has never been available in print; some has remained entirely hidden until now. Jeff Burger'due south meticulously researched volume offers a truly unique and captivating glimpse into the mind and philosophy of one of the world's most circuitous and inspiring talents.

Lennon PDF Book By Tim Riley


  • Writer: Tim Riley
  • ISBN Code: : 1401303935
  • Publisher : Hachette Books
  • Page : 800 pages
  • Genre : Biography & Autobiography
  • Reviews : 119 Readers
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In his commanding new book, the eminent NPR critic Tim Riley takes us on the remarkable journeying that brought a Liverpool art student from a disastrous babyhood to the highest realms of fame. Riley portrays Lennon's ascension from Hamburg's red light district to Britain's Royal Diverseness Show; from the charmed naiveté of "Love Me Do" to the soaring ambivalence of "Don't Let Me Down"; from his shotgun marriage to Cynthia Powell in 1962 to his epic media romance with Yoko Ono. Written with the critical insight and stylistic mastery readers accept come up to await from Riley, this richly textured narrative draws on numerous new and sectional interviews with Lennon'due south friends, enemies, confidantes, and associates; lost memoirs written by relatives and friends; as well as previously undiscovered City of Liverpool records. Riley explores Lennon in all of his contradictions: the British art student who universalized an American style, the anarchic rock 'n' roller with the moral spine, the anti-jazz snob who posed naked with his avant-garde lover, and the misogynist who became a househusband. What emerges is the enormous, seductive, and misreckoning personality that made Lennon a cultural touchstone. In Lennon, Riley casts Lennon as a modernist hero in a sweeping epic, dramatizing stone history afresh every bit Lennon himself might have experienced it.

Instamatic Karma PDF Book By May Pang

Instamatic Karma

  • Writer: May Pang
  • ISBN Code: : 1429993979
  • Publisher : St. Martin's Press
  • Page : 160 pages
  • Genre : Biography & Autobiography
  • Reviews : 700 Readers

Books Synopsis

"At that place were times I was a fleck reticent in taking out my camera, like when some 'former friends' stopped by to hang out. I didn't want to intrude on these moments, but John insisted. He felt that I captured him in ways that no one else did because of his comfort level with me...For years, only my closest friends got to run into these photos-which were literally tucked away in a shoebox in my closet. They were surprised that these images did not convey the John that was portrayed in the press during our time together. In fact, they saw a side of John seldom seen."-From INSTAMATIC KARMA John Lennon is the most famously photographed Beatle-everyone from Iain MacMillian to Annie Lebowitz took iconic images of him-simply at that place take never been pictures of him like these taken past May Pang, Lennon's girlfriend from 1973 to 1975. In INSTAMATIC KARMA, they're collected for the first time. With very few exceptions, these photos are that rare matter: never-earlier-seen images of an icon. The photos here show Lennon in a diverseness of settings: at work, at play, at home, and away. They show a playful Lennon, a coincidental, unguarded Lennon; they're the kind of photos one lover takes of some other. May has written rich captions to accompany her photos--taken together, they tell a simple story of the time May and Lennon spent together; a time, according to legend, when Lennon was unhappy and unproductive, estranged from his family unit and bandmates. Pang'south photos clearly tell some other story-they show Lennon clowning around, working on his hit anthology "Walls and Bridges", embracing old friends and family unit, hanging out in their flat on Manhattan's East 52nd Street, relaxing in the land in upstate New York or spending peaceful days pond in the waters of Long Island. The photographs in INSTAMATIC KARMA are both color and black & white, casual Polaroids and more composed shots. Each i is an intimate glimpse into a fascinating time in John Lennon'due south life.

The Art And Music Of John Lennon PDF Book By Peter Doggett

The Art And Music Of John Lennon

  • Author: Peter Doggett
  • ISBN Code: : 085712126X
  • Publisher : Motorbus Press
  • Page : 368 pages
  • Genre : Music
  • Reviews : 959 Readers

Books Synopsis

From his childhood paintings to the vocal he recorded on the day he died, here is a complete catalogue of Lennon's work across many fields: songwriting, performing, cartoon, painting, film, poetry, prose and conceptual art. This magnificent book also contains detailed information about all of the Lennon recording sessions equally part of the Beatles, as a solo artist and with Yoko Ono. Plus a complete Uk and US discography, home demo recordings, composing tapes, studio out-takes, live recordings, collaborations, and interviews. Peter Doggett'south fascinating book traces the story of a unique creative gamble that ended also soon just left backside an incalculable legacy of words, images and music from a giant of rock n curlicue who always searched for the truth across the limits of his frame. Beatles Historian Peter Doggett provides the definitive guide to the imaginative work of John Lennon. This comprehensive account details a man whose life and piece of work were indivisible. Whether information technology was his amusing drawings to amuse classmates, recording one thousand thousand-selling hits with the Beatles or making advanced with Yoko Ono, John Lennon never stopped being a creator and Doggett explores his bright imagination across many different Lennon projects spanning many years and creative forms.

The Beatles' Second Album PDF Book By Dave Marsh

The Beatles' Second Album

  • Author: Dave Marsh
  • ISBN Code: : 1609617169
  • Publisher : Rodale Books
  • Page : 192 pages
  • Genre : Music
  • Reviews : 916 Readers
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The Beatles' 2nd Album runs only 22 minutes, with but 11 songs--many of which the group didn't write. Despite all that, the album personifies the Beatles: the world'south greatest rock'north'curlicue band, according to well-known rock'n'roll critic and writer Dave Marsh. With its overload of rock'n'roll, R&B, and early on soul influence, including "Ringlet Over Beethoven," and "Long Tall Sally", The Beatles' Second Anthology - the book and the album - offers a peachy vantage point from which to come across the group's enormous bear upon on popular music and civilisation. Marsh breaks new footing by focusing on the Beatles' United states of america recordings and how they evolved from British releases at a time when the two nations' approaches to rock'n'curl production were vastly different.

Lucy in the Mind of Lennon PDF Book By Tim Kasser

Lucy in the Mind of Lennon

  • Author: Tim Kasser
  • ISBN Code: : 0199876908
  • Publisher : Oxford University Press
  • Page : 184 pages
  • Genre : Psychology
  • Reviews : 673 Readers
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Books Synopsis

Since John Lennon composed Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds in early 1967, fans and music critics alike have argued over the meaning of the song. Is it about drugs? Is it simply a lyrical response to a cartoon given Lennon by his four-year-former son Julian? Is at that place some deeper significant? Professor Tim Kasser goes beyond speculative explanations by applying innovative psychological methods to the song's lyrics and music. He securely analyzes the song'due south linguistic structure, its basic theme, and the way its words and music had been used by Lennon in earlier songs. As the findings accumulate, Kasser weaves them together with the facts of Lennon's life and established psychological theories to provide an integrative (and sometimes surprising) perspective on the psychological processes that led Lennon to write Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. Kasser goes on to follow the unfolding of these personal dynamics in later Lennon songs like I am the Walrus, Yer Blues, and Working Grade Hero. No other book has so closely examined this menstruation of Lennon's life with such a sophisticated psychological approach. Kasser's methods and perspective point to the usefulness of scientific psychology for understanding why a item person does a particular affair at a particular time, at the same fourth dimension that they shed new light on this fascinating and controversial man.

The Beatles, or the 'White Album' PDF Book By Mark Goodall

The Beatles, or the 'White Album'

  • Author: Mark Goodall
  • ISBN Lawmaking: : 1909394610
  • Publisher : SCB Distributors
  • Page : 136 pages
  • Genre : Music
  • Reviews : 686 Readers

Books Synopsis

The Beatles' self-titled 1968 album was seen as something of a comedown after the exhilaration of its predecessor, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. In addition, conventional wisdom holds that The Beatles, aka the 'White Album', marks the beginning of the terminate of the Lennon/McCartney partnership. This book, nonetheless, exists to debate that the 'White Album' is non but the finest achievement of the Fab Iv but can as well be considered one of the greatest LP recordings of all time. Track by rails, the album (and its sleeve) is discussed and considered. The result is a portrait of The Beatles, reflecting its eclectic nature through a series of personal responses from a variety of contributors.

The Beatles Encyclopedia: Everything Fab Four PDF Book By Kenneth Womack

The Beatles Encyclopedia: Everything Fab Four

  • Author: Kenneth Womack
  • ISBN Code: : 1440844275
  • Publisher : ABC-CLIO
  • Page : 621 pages
  • Genre : Music
  • Reviews : 962 Readers
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Books Synopsis

This condensed paperback encyclopedia documents the enduring cultural impact and musical legacy of the Beatles, providing readers with a one-stop resource to the Fab 4'due south compelling story and breadth of achievements. • Provides an piece of cake-to-use, unmarried-volume condensed version of the hardcover edition of Greenwood'south The Beatles Encyclopedia: Everything Fab Four • Presents expansive, detailed data most the Beatles' lives and their iconic music that secured their place in history • Analyzes the Beatles' body of piece of work, including collective efforts and solo releases, and identifies the pregnant people, places, and events that impacted their work • Includes a selected bibliography of impress and electronic resources that are accessible and useful to students and general readers akin

Phil Spector PDF Book By Sean MacLeod

Phil Spector

  • Author: Sean MacLeod
  • ISBN Code: : 1442267062
  • Publisher : Rowman & Littlefield
  • Folio : 286 pages
  • Genre : Music
  • Reviews : 185 Readers
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MacLeod explores Phil Spector'due south rise and fall every bit a musician, songwriter, and producer whose musical ability and visionary foresight radically influenced popular music and culture of the 20th century. Spector's legendary wall of audio became a hallmark of 1960's popular music and contributed to the success of bands similar the Beach Boys and the Beatles.

Days That I'll Remember: Spending Time With John Lennon & Yoko Ono PDF Book By Jonathan Cott

Days That I'll Remember: Spending Time With John Lennon & Yoko Ono

  • Author: Jonathan Cott
  • ISBN Lawmaking: : 1783230487
  • Publisher : Omnibus Press
  • Page : 256 pages
  • Genre : Music
  • Reviews : 702 Readers
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Offering new insight into Lennon and Ono as individuals, artists and lovers, Days That I'll Remember is a gifted music journalist's memoir of a seismic time in music, politics and culture and one of the most incisive and affectionate portraits ever written about this earth-altering couple. In this rich account of their relationship, Cott tells his own story alongside his many interviews with the couple. While most originally appeared in Rolling Stone, they usually did so in shortened form; the total-length versions hither contain previously unpublished and oftentimes revealing fabric. Besides featured is a recent Cott interview with Yoko Ono as well every bit images from her individual archive. Jonathan Cott'southward relationship with two of the well-nigh iconic figures of our time began in 1968 when, as London correspondent for the fledgling Rolling Rock, he went to interview John Lennon and Yoko Ono in their London flat. A friendship was born that lasted for the remainder of Lennon's life and still continues today between Cott and Yoko Ono. Information technology was Jonathan Cott who interviewed the couple about their Double Fantasy album on December five, 1980 in their flat at the Dakota in New York. Information technology would be Lennon's last major interview.

Sticky Fingers PDF Book By Joe Hagan

Gluey Fingers

  • Author: Joe Hagan
  • ISBN Code: : 0345815076
  • Publisher : Knopf Canada
  • Page : 400 pages
  • Genre : Music
  • Reviews : 469 Readers
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A delicious romp through the heyday of stone and roll and a revealing portrait of the homo at the helm of the iconic magazine that made it all possible, with candid wait backs at the era from Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Elton John, Bono, Bruce Springsteen, Paul McCartney, and others. The story of Jann Wenner, Rolling Stone'southward founder, editor, and publisher, and the pioneering era he helped curate, is told here for the first fourth dimension in glittering, glorious detail. Joe Hagan provides readers with a backstage pass to storied concert venues and rock-star hotel rooms; he tells never before heard stories near the lives of rock stars and their handlers; he details the daring journalism (Tom Wolfe, Hunter S. Thompson, P.J. O'Rourke) and internecine role politics that accompanied the start-upward; he animates the drug and sexual appetites of the era; and he reports on the politics of the concluding fifty years that were often chronicled in the pages of Rolling Stone magazine. Supplemented by a cache of extraordinary documents and letters from Wenner'south personal archives, Sticky Fingers depicts an ambitious, mercurial, wide-eyed rock and roll fan of who exalts in youth and dazzler and learns how to package it, marketing late sixties counterculture equally a testament to the power of American youth. The issue is a fascinating and complex portrait of human and era, and an irresistible biography of popular civilisation, glory, music, and politics in America.

In His Own Write and A Spaniard in the Works PDF Book By John Lennon

In His Ain Write and A Spaniard in the Works

  • Author: John Lennon
  • ISBN Lawmaking: : 1451625995
  • Publisher : Simon and Schuster
  • Folio : 176 pages
  • Genre : Fiction
  • Reviews : 104 Readers
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Lucy in the Mind of Lennon PDF Book By Tim Kasser

Lucy in the Mind of Lennon

  • Author: Tim Kasser
  • ISBN Code: : 0199876908
  • Publisher : Oxford University Press
  • Page : 184 pages
  • Genre : Psychology
  • Reviews : 491 Readers
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Books Synopsis

Since John Lennon composed Lucy in the Heaven with Diamonds in early on 1967, fans and music critics alike take argued over the meaning of the song. Is it about drugs? Is information technology but a lyrical response to a drawing given Lennon by his iv-year-sometime son Julian? Is there some deeper meaning? Professor Tim Kasser goes across speculative explanations past applying innovative psychological methods to the song'south lyrics and music. He deeply analyzes the song's linguistic construction, its bones theme, and the fashion its words and music had been used by Lennon in before songs. Every bit the findings accumulate, Kasser weaves them together with the facts of Lennon'south life and established psychological theories to provide an integrative (and sometimes surprising) perspective on the psychological processes that led Lennon to write Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. Kasser goes on to follow the unfolding of these personal dynamics in after Lennon songs similar I am the Walrus, Yer Blues, and Working Grade Hero. No other volume has so closely examined this period of Lennon'south life with such a sophisticated psychological approach. Kasser's methods and perspective point to the usefulness of scientific psychology for agreement why a item person does a particular matter at a particular time, at the aforementioned time that they shed new calorie-free on this fascinating and controversial man.

John Lennon: The Life PDF Book By Philip Norman

John Lennon: The Life

  • Author: Philip Norman
  • ISBN Code: : 0307372499
  • Publisher : Anchor Canada
  • Page : 864 pages
  • Genre : Biography & Autobiography
  • Reviews : 854 Readers
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Books Synopsis

National Bestseller Drawing on previously unknown sources, unpublished messages, and unprecedented access to all the key figures, writer and journalist Philip Norman gives us the most consummate and revealing portrait of John Lennon that is always likely to be published. For this masterpiece of biography, Philip Norman set himself the challenge of looking afresh at every attribute of Lennon's much-chronicled life. He has non only dug deep into the archives, including his ain vast collection of tapes and notebooks dating dorsum to the 60s, but spoken to hundreds of witnesses, from every walk of life and every stage of Lennon'southward. The interviewees include Sean Lennon, whose moving reminiscences reveal his father as never before, and Yoko Ono, who speaks with sometimes shocking candour virtually her marriage to John. In his brilliant Shout!, nosotros were shown a band; in John Lennon, Philip Norman gives us a portrait of a human being. It reconciles as never before the contradictions of this endlessly fascinating character–the volatile and violent hippie, the phenomenally wealthy advocate of no possessions, the family homo and junkie–and his journeying from Liverpool suburbia to becoming ane of the presiding geniuses of pop culture.

John Lennon PDF Book By Alan Clayson

John Lennon

  • Writer: Alan Clayson
  • ISBN Lawmaking: : 0857128051
  • Publisher : Bobcat Books
  • Page : 288 pages
  • Genre : Music
  • Reviews : 624 Readers
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Books Synopsis

For many years, John Lennon has been seen as the crazed and eccentric Beatle who provided some of the well-nigh memorable melodies the music globe has ever known. Afterward remaking pop in his own image with The Beatles, the erstwhile would-be artist and Liverpudlian reprobate went on to carve out a significant solo career, with the enigmatic Yoko Ono at his side. Post-obit his murder in 1980, his work and life took on mythic status, his role equally mentor to a musical generation assured. Alan Clayson sets out to discover the truth backside the myth of this most controversial, combative, yet publicly adored genius of the 20th century.

Lennon in America PDF Book By Geoffery Giuliano

Lennon in America

  • Author: Geoffery Giuliano
  • ISBN Code: : 1461635616
  • Publisher : Cooper Square Press
  • Folio : 320 pages
  • Genre : Biography & Autobiography
  • Reviews : 221 Readers
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John Lennon was a fable in his own fourth dimension. Deprived of life at a young age, Lennon has become a symbol of the '60s and '70s peace movement. But what practice we actually know about him as a person?

The Last Days of John Lennon PDF Book By James Patterson

The Last Days of John Lennon

  • Writer: James Patterson
  • ISBN Lawmaking: : 0316429074
  • Publisher : Picayune, Brown
  • Page : 400 pages
  • Genre : True Crime
  • Reviews : 451 Readers

Books Synopsis

Discover 1 of the greatest true law-breaking stories in music history, as but James Patterson can tell information technology. With the Beatles, John Lennon surpasses his youthful dreams, achieving a level of superstardom that defies classification. "We were the best bloody ring there was," he says. "In that location was nobody to impact u.s.a.." Nobody except the original nowhere man, Mark David Chapman. Chapman once worshipped his idols from afar—only now harbors grudges against those, similar Lennon, whom he feels betrayed him. He's convinced Lennon has misled fans with his message of promise and peace. And Chapman'southward not staying away whatsoever longer. Past the summer of 1980, Lennon is recording new music for the offset time in years, energized and set up for it to be "(Just Like) Starting Over." He tin can't wait to show the world what he volition do. Neither can Chapman, who quits his security task and boards a flight to New York, a handgun and bullets stowed in his luggage. The greatest true-crime story in music history, equally only James Patterson tin can tell it. Enriched past exclusive interviews with Lennon's friends and associates, including Paul McCartney, The Concluding Days of John Lennon is the thrilling true story of ii men who changed history: One whose indelible songs enliven our world to this day—and the other who ended the cute music with v pulls of a trigger.

Nilsson PDF Book By Alyn Shipton


  • Author: Alyn Shipton
  • ISBN Code: : 0199330689
  • Publisher : Oxford Academy Press
  • Page : 368 pages
  • Genre : Biography & Autobiography
  • Reviews : 424 Readers
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Books Synopsis

Paul McCartney and John Lennon described him as the Beatles' "favorite group," he won Grammy awards, wrote and recorded hit songs, and notwithstanding no figure in popular music is as much of a paradox, or equally underrated, as Harry Nilsson. In this first ever full-length biography, Alyn Shipton traces Nilsson'due south life from his Brooklyn childhood to his Los Angeles adolescence and his gradual emergence as a uniquely talented singer-songwriter. With interviews from friends, family, and assembly, and fabric drawn from an unfinished autobiography, Shipton probes beneath the enigma to find the real Harry Nilsson. A major glory at a time when huge concerts and festivals were becoming the norm, Nilsson shunned live functioning. His venue was the studio, his stage the dubbing berth, his greatest triumphs masterful examples of studio craft. He was a gifted composer of songs for a wide diversity of performers, including the Ronettes, the Yardbirds, and the Monkees, yet Nilsson'southward own biggest hits were about all written by other songwriters. He won two Grammy awards, in 1969 for "Everybody's Talkin'" (the theme vocal for Midnight Cowboy), and in 1972 for "Without Y'all," had ii top ten singles, numerous album successes, and wrote a number of songs--"Coconut" and "Jump into the Burn down," to proper noun just two--that still sound remarkably fresh and original today. He was once described by his producer Richard Perry as "the finest white male vocalist on the planet," but near the terminate of his life, Nilsson'south career was marked past voice-damaging substance abuse and the infamous deaths of both Keith Moon and Mama Cass in his London flat. Drawing on exclusive access to Nilsson'south papers, Alyn Shipton'due south biography offers readers an intimate portrait of a man who has seemed both famous and unknowable--until now.

The Walrus and the Elephants PDF Book By James A. Mitchell

The Walrus and the Elephants

  • Author: James A. Mitchell
  • ISBN Code: : 1609804686
  • Publisher : Vii Stories Press
  • Page : 272 pages
  • Genre : Music
  • Reviews : 219 Readers
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Nineteen-seventy-i was the year John Lennon left London and pop stardom for a life in New York City as a solo artist, record producer and activist looking to aid end the war in Vietnam. He settled in Greenwich Village and speedily came to be seen past the leaders of the faltering anti-state of war movement as someone who was capable of reinvigorating it. The government was acutely aware of Lennon's power besides, seeing him as a viable threat to Nixon'southward reelection hopes, initiating extradition proceedings against him. Lennon's second solo album, Imagine, appeared in 1971, followed the post-obit year past Old in New York City. Meanwhile, John and Yoko are searching for her daughter, a primary reason they came to America in the first place. And John is struggling to embrace feminism. The Walrus and the Elephants tells a double-barreled story of music and politics, how the personal is political and the political is personal, of upheavals in 1 life amid the larger cultural upheavals of an era.

8-Dec-80 PDF Book By Keith Elliot Greenberg


  • Author: Keith Elliot Greenberg
  • ISBN Code: : 0879309636
  • Publisher : Backbeat Books
  • Page : 240 pages
  • Genre : Music
  • Reviews : 198 Readers

Books Synopsis

In a riveting, infinitesimal-by-minute format, a best-selling author follows the events leading to the moment when Marker David Chapman killed rock icon John Lennon in New York Urban center, in a book that too looks at the backwash.

Godfather of the Music Business PDF Book By Richard Carlin

Godfather of the Music Business organisation

  • Author: Richard Carlin
  • ISBN Code: : 1496805712
  • Publisher : Univ. Press of Mississippi
  • Page : 304 pages
  • Genre : Biography & Autobiography
  • Reviews : 972 Readers
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Association of Recorded Sound Collections Awards for Excellence Best Historical Inquiry in Record Labels – All-time History (2017) This biography tells the story of one of the well-nigh notorious figures in the history of popular music, Morris Levy (1927-1990). At historic period nineteen, he cofounded the nightclub Birdland in Hell's Kitchen, which became the dwelling for a new musical style, bebop. Levy operated i of the starting time integrated clubs on Broadway and helped build the careers of Dizzy Gillespie and Bud Powell and most notably aided the reemergence of Count Basie. In 1957, he founded a record characterization, Roulette Records. Roulette featured many of the significant jazz artists who played Birdland but also scored top pop hits with acts like Buddy Knox, Frankie Lymon and the Teenagers, Joey Dee and the Starliters, and, in the mid-1960s, Tommy James. Stories grow of Levy threatening artists, songwriters, and producers, sometimes simply for the sport, other times then he could keep to build his empire. Forth the way, Levy attracted "investors" with ties to the Mafia, including Dominic Ciaffone (a.k.a. "Swats" Mulligan), Tommy Eboli, and the most notorious of them all, Vincent Gigante. Gigante allegedly owned large pieces of Levy'south recording and retail businesses. Starting in the late 1950s, the FBI and IRS investigated Levy but could not make anything stick until the early on 1980s, when Levy foolishly got involved in a bargain to sell remaindered records to a small-time reseller, John LaMonte. With partners in the mob, Levy tried to force LaMonte to pay for four million remaindered records. When the FBI secretly wiretapped LaMonte in an unrelated investigation and agents learned nigh the deal, investigators successfully prosecuted Levy in the extortion scheme. Convicted in 1988, Levy did not alive to serve prison time. Stricken with cancer, he died but as his last appeals were exhausted. Even so, even if he had lived, Levy's brand of storied high life was effectively bosom. Corporate ownership of tape labels doomed most independents in the concern, ending the days when a savvy if ruthless hustler could blaze a path to the top.

Crimes of the Centuries: Notorious Crimes, Criminals, and Criminal Trials in American History [3 volumes] PDF Book By Steven Chermak Ph.D.,Frankie Y. Bailey Ph.D.

Crimes of the Centuries: Notorious Crimes, Criminals, and Criminal Trials in American History [3 volumes]

  • Author: Steven Chermak Ph.D.,Frankie Y. Bailey Ph.D.
  • ISBN Code: : 1610695941
  • Publisher : ABC-CLIO
  • Folio : 1080 pages
  • Genre : Truthful Offense
  • Reviews : 400 Readers

Books Synopsis

This multivolume resource is the virtually extensive reference of its kind, offering a comprehensive summary of the misdeeds, perpetrators, and victims involved in the nigh memorable crime events in American history. • Supports national standards curriculum • Offers an extensive selection of chief documents to encourage critical thinking and reading do • Includes photos and illustrations to help bring content to life • Features sidebars with illuminating criminal offence facts and interesting anecdotes

Sgt. Pepper and the Beatles PDF Book By Olivier Julien

Sgt. Pepper and the Beatles

  • Author: Olivier Julien
  • ISBN Code: : 1317056744
  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Page : 208 pages
  • Genre : Music
  • Reviews : 281 Readers
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Books Synopsis

The first concept album in the history of popular music, the soundtrack of the Summer of Dear or 'Hippy Symphony No. ane': Sgt. Pepper'south Alone Hearts Club Band is first and foremost the album that gave rise to 'hopes of progress in pop music' (The Times, 29 May 1967). Sgt. Pepper and the Beatles commemorates the fortieth anniversary of this masterpiece of British psychedelia past addressing issues that volition help put the tape in perspective. These issues include: reception past rock critics and musicians, the cover, lyrics, songwriting, formal unity, the influence of not-European music and fine art music, connections with psychedelia and, more than more often than not, the sociocultural context of the 1960s, product, sound technology and musicological significance. The contributors are world renowned for their work on the Beatles: they examine Sgt. Pepper from the angle of disciplines such equally musicology, ethnomusicology, history, sociology, literature, social psychology and cultural theory.

Because PDF Book By Mark R. Brewer


  • Author: Marker R. Brewer
  • ISBN Lawmaking: : 1664170391
  • Publisher : Xlibris Corporation
  • Folio : 332 pages
  • Genre : Music
  • Reviews : 376 Readers
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Books Synopsis

As a devoted fan of the lads from Liverpool, Mark considers himself an expert on their songs, both with the Beatles and during their solo careers. He has selected his favorite 40 songs and tells their story in each chapter.

Uncle John's Bathroom Reader Plunges Into Music PDF Book By Bathroom Readers' Institute

Uncle John's Bath Reader Plunges Into Music

  • Author: Bath Readers' Institute
  • ISBN Code: : 1607106051
  • Publisher : Simon and Schuster
  • Page : 516 pages
  • Genre : Humour
  • Reviews : 501 Readers

Books Synopsis

From boogie-woogie to Beethoven, from Prince to Pavarotti, from the bards of Broadway to the rebels of stone 'n' coil-it'south all here. Uncle John has created this harmonious drove of tuneful tales for music lovers everywhere. Uncle John has proven in one case once more that he is in tune with our legion of loyal readers. This 516-folio musical masterpiece dedicated to all things noteworthy ranges from silly one-hit wonders to culture-irresolute musical milestones. You'll get a glimpse into the future of music and get back to the days when prehistoric man starting time started communicating in vocal. Then plug in your amp, plow the dial upwards to 11, and accept a blast reading about… * The origins of nearly every genre and style of music--including rock, country, jazz, the blues, rhythm-and-blues, hip hop, punk, folk, polka, opera, muzak, disco, and even marching bands * Musical legends, from "outsiders" similar the Shaggs and the Carter family, to giants like the Beatles, Elvis, and Weird Al Yankovic * The stories of legendary music venues like the Grand Ole Opry, the Apollo, and the Fillmore * How a computer glitch led to Right Said Fred'south 1991 striking "I'm As well Sexy" * Why waltzing was considered as scandalous in its early days as rock was in its early on days * The nascency of the banjo, the electrical guitar, karaoke, and the Stradivarius violin * How John Williams struck a universal chord with his score for 'Star Wars' * Go underground to play the world'south largest natural musical instrument * What happened at Woodstock and other weird concert mishaps And much, much more!

Historical Dictionary of Popular Music PDF Book By Norman Abjorensen

Historical Lexicon of Pop Music

  • Writer: Norman Abjorensen
  • ISBN Lawmaking: : 1538102153
  • Publisher : Rowman & Littlefield
  • Page : 694 pages
  • Genre : Music
  • Reviews : 461 Readers

Books Synopsis

The Historical Lexicon of Pop Music contains a chronology, an introduction, an appendix, and an all-encompassing bibliography. The dictionary section has over grand cross-referenced entries on major figures across genres, definitions of genres, technical innovations and surveys of countries and regions.

Dreaming the Beatles PDF Book By Rob Sheffield

Dreaming the Beatles

  • Author: Rob Sheffield
  • ISBN Code: : 0062207679
  • Publisher : HarperCollins
  • Folio : 368 pages
  • Genre : Music
  • Reviews : 154 Readers
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Rob Sheffield, the Rolling Stone columnist and bestselling writer of Dearest Is a Mix Tape offers an entertaining, unconventional await at the most popular band in history, the Beatles, exploring what they mean today and why they still thing and then intensely to a generation that has never known a world without them. Dreaming the Beatles is non another biography of the Beatles, or a vocal-by-vocal assay of the best of John and Paul. It isn't another exposé about how they broke upward. It isn't a history of their gigs or their gear. It is a drove of essays telling the story of what this ubiquitous ring means to a generation who grew up with the Beatles music on their parents' stereos and their faces on T-shirts. What exercise the Beatles mean today? Why are they more famous and beloved now than ever? And why do they yet affair and then much to u.s., nearly fifty years after they broke up? As he did in his previous books, Love is a Mix Tape, Talking to Girls About Duran Duran, and Turn Around Vivid Optics, Sheffield focuses on the emotional connections we make to music. This fourth dimension, he focuses on the biggest popular culture phenomenon of all time—The Beatles. In his singular voice, he explores what the Beatles mean today, to fans who have learned to dear them on their own terms and not just for the sake of nostalgia. Dreaming the Beatles tells the story of how four lads from Liverpool became the world'south biggest pop group, then broke up—simply then somehow just kept getting bigger. At this betoken, their music doesn't belong to the past—it belongs to right now. This book is a celebration of that music, showing why the Beatles remain the world's favorite thing—and how they invented the future we're all living in today.

The Rock Canon PDF Book By CarysWyn Jones

The Stone Canon

  • Author: CarysWyn Jones
  • ISBN Code: : 1351540858
  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Page : 182 pages
  • Genre : Music
  • Reviews : 303 Readers
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Books Synopsis

Canons are primal to our understanding of our civilization, and notwithstanding in the last thirty years at that place has been much conflict and uncertainty created by the idea of the canon. In essence, the canon comprises the works and artists that are widely accustomed to be the greatest in their field. Yet such an apparently uncomplicated construct embodies a complicated web of values and mechanisms. Canons are also inherently elitist; all the same, Carys Wyn Jones here explores the emerging reflections of values, terms and mechanisms from the canons of Western literature and classical music in the reception of rock music. Jones examines the concept of the canon every bit theorized by scholars in the fields of literary criticism and musicology, earlier moving on to search for these canonical facets in the reception of rock music, every bit represented by ten albums: Bob Dylan's Highway 61 Revisited, The Beach Boys' Pet Sounds, The Beatles' Revolver, The Velvet Underground's The Velvet Cloak-and-dagger & Nico, Van Morrison's Astral Weeks, Marvin Gaye'south What's Going On, The Rolling Stones' Exile on Master St., Patti Smith's Horses, The Sex Pistols' Never Listen the Bollocks: Hither's the Sex Pistols, and Nirvana'southward Nevermind. Jones concludes that in the reception of rock music nosotros are not only trying to organize the past but also mediate the present, and any canon of rock music must now negotiate a far more pluralized culture and possibly accept a greater degree of alter than has been axiomatic in the canons of literature and classical music in the terminal two centuries.

Mad Dogs and Englishness PDF Book By Lee Brooks,Mark Donnelly,Richard Mills

Mad Dogs and Englishness

  • Author: Lee Brooks,Mark Donnelly,Richard Mills
  • ISBN Lawmaking: : 1501311271
  • Publisher : Bloomsbury Publishing USA
  • Page : 240 pages
  • Genre : Music
  • Reviews : 276 Readers

Books Synopsis

Mad Dogs and Englishness connects English popular music with questions about English language national identities, featuring essays that range across Bowie and Burial, PJ Harvey, Bishi and Tricky. The afterward years of the 20th century saw a resurgence of interest in cultural and political meanings of Englishness in ways that continue to resonate at present. Pop music is simultaneously on the outside and inside of the ensuing debates. It can be used as a mode of commentary well-nigh how meanings of Englishness circulate socially. Merely it as well produces those meanings, oftentimes underwriting claims near English language national cultural distinctiveness and superiority. This book's expert contributors utilise trans-national and trans-disciplinary perspectives to provide historical and contemporary commentaries virtually pop's complex relationships with Englishness. Each chapter is based on original research, and the essays comprise the best single book available on pop and the English imaginary.

The Beatles Quiz Book PDF Book By Adam Pearson

The Beatles Quiz Book

  • Writer: Adam Pearson
  • ISBN Lawmaking: : 1909143952
  • Publisher : Andrews UK Limited
  • Page : 112 pages
  • Genre : Music
  • Reviews : 715 Readers
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Books Synopsis

Are you a fan of The Beatles? Accept you followed the amazing Beatles story from the early days of the band through to individual chart success? Exercise yous know all in that location is to know about the fab four? If so, what better mode to examination your cognition than with the 500 questions in this quiz volume, each one designed to find out how much yous can recall almost the history of The Beatles. This volume covers the astounding success of the early years through to the band members' individual careers, relationships, families and beyond. The Beatles Quiz Book is packed with information nigh John, Paul, George and Ringo, including questions on many of their unforgettable hits, bestselling albums, song lyrics and much more than. This quiz volume is a must-have for anyone who likes the Beatles whether you are new to their music or are a lifelong fan. This tribute will appeal to fans of all ages and anyone interested in finding out nearly one of the most successful United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland bands of all time.

1973: Rock at the Crossroads PDF Book By Andrew Grant Jackson

1973: Rock at the Crossroads

  • Author: Andrew Grant Jackson
  • ISBN Lawmaking: : 1250299993
  • Publisher : Thomas Dunne Books
  • Folio : 352 pages
  • Genre : Music
  • Reviews : 674 Readers

Books Synopsis

A fascinating account of the music and epic social change of 1973, a defining yr for David Bowie, Bruce Springsteen, Pinkish Floyd, Elton John, the Rolling Stones, Eagles, Elvis Presley, and the former members of The Beatles. 1973 was the year stone hit its summit while splintering—just like the balance of the world. Ziggy Stardust travelled to America in David Bowie's Aladdin Sane. The Night Side of the Moon began its epic run on the Billboard charts, inspired past the madness of Pinkish Floyd's founder, while all four former Beatles scored meridian ten albums, ii striking #ane. FM battled AM, and Motown battled Philly on the charts, as the era of protest soul gave way to disco, while DJ Kool Herc gave nativity to hip hop in the Bronx. The glam rock of the New York Dolls and Alice Cooper dissever into glam metal and punk. Hippies and rednecks made peace in Austin thank you to Willie Nelson, while outlaw state, country rock, and Southern rock each pointed toward modernistic country. The Allman Brothers, Grateful Dead, and the Ring played the largest rock concert to date at Watkins Glen. Led Zep'south Houses of the Holy reflected the rise of funk and reggae. The singer songwriter motion led by Bob Dylan, Neil Young, and Joni Mitchell flourished at the Troubadour and Max'south Kansas Urban center, where Bruce Springsteen and Bob Marley shared bill. Elvis Presley'south Aloha from Hawaii via Satellite was NBC'southward superlative-rated special of the twelvemonth, while Elton John's albums dominated the number one spot for ii and a half months. Just as U.South. involvement in Vietnam drew to a shut, Roe 5. Wade ignited a new phase in the civilisation war. While the oil crisis imploded the American dream of endless prosperity, and Watergate'due south walls closed in on Nixon, the music of 1973 both reflected a shattered globe and brought us together.

Listen to Pop! Exploring a Musical Genre PDF Book By James E. Perone

Mind to Pop! Exploring a Musical Genre

  • Writer: James E. Perone
  • ISBN Lawmaking: : 1440863776
  • Publisher : ABC-CLIO
  • Page : 247 pages
  • Genre : Music
  • Reviews : 484 Readers
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Listen to Pop! discusses the development of popular music in America from the 1950s to the present, diving into its impact on American culture, particularly through its association with television, and its indelible legacy. • Analyzes a variety, stylistically and otherwise, of must-hear examples • Traces the evolution of pop music from the end of Earth War II to the present • Extensively discusses the interplay between popular music and television set • Identifies certain formulas for success, such as the "oldies" chord progression through the 20th century to the present

Crime Classification Manual PDF Book By John Douglas,Ann W. Burgess,Allen G. Burgess,Robert K. Ressler

Crime Classification Transmission

  • Author: John Douglas,Ann W. Burgess,Allen M. Burgess,Robert M. Ressler
  • ISBN Code: : 1118421531
  • Publisher : John Wiley & Sons
  • Page : 576 pages
  • Genre : Psychology
  • Reviews : 358 Readers

Books Synopsis

Praise for Offense Classification Manual "The very start book past and for criminal justice professionalsin the major case fields. . . . The skills, techniques, andproactive approaches offered are creatively physical and worthy ofreplication across the country. . . . Heartily recommended forthose working in the 'front line' of major caseinvestigation." —John B. Rabun Jr., ACSW, Executive Vice President and ChiefOperating Officeholder, National Center for Missing and ExploitedChildren "[CCM] is an outstanding resources for students pursuing forensicscience degrees. Information technology provides critical data on major crimes,which meliorate the user's ability to appraise and evaluate." —Paul Thomas Clements, PhD, APRN-BC, CGS, DF-IAFN DrexelUniversity Forensic Healthcare Program The landmark book standardizing the language, terminology,and classifications used throughout the criminal justicesystem Arranged according to the principal intent of the criminal, theCrime Classification Transmission, 3rd Edition features thelanguage, terms, and classifications the criminal justice systemand allied fields use as they work to protect guild from criminalbehavior. Coauthored past a pioneer of mod profiling and featuring newcoverage of wrongful convictions and imitation confessions, theThird Edition: Tackles new areas affected by globalization and newtechnologies, including man trafficking and internationallycoordinated cybercrimes Expands discussion of border control, The Agency of Alcohol,Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), and Homeland Security Addresses the effects of ever-evolving engineering science on thecommission and detection of criminal offence The definitive text in this field, Crime ClassificationManual, 3rd Edition is written for law enforcement personnel,mental wellness professionals, forensic scientists, and thoseprofessionals whose piece of work requires an understanding of criminalbehavior and detection.

The Beatles' Second Album PDF Book By Dave Marsh

The Beatles' Second Anthology

  • Author: Dave Marsh
  • ISBN Code: : 1609617169
  • Publisher : Rodale Books
  • Page : 192 pages
  • Genre : Music
  • Reviews : 904 Readers

Books Synopsis

The Beatles' Second Album runs merely 22 minutes, with just 11 songs--many of which the group didn't write. Despite all that, the album personifies the Beatles: the world's greatest rock'northward'whorl band, according to well-known stone'northward'whorl critic and author Dave Marsh. With its overload of rock'n'roll, R&B, and early soul influence, including "Curl Over Beethoven," and "Long Tall Sally", The Beatles' Second Anthology - the book and the album - offers a great vantage point from which to come across the group's enormous impact on pop music and culture. Marsh breaks new ground by focusing on the Beatles' Us recordings and how they evolved from British releases at a time when the two nations' approaches to rock'n'roll production were vastly different.

Lennon PDF Book By Tim Riley


  • Author: Tim Riley
  • ISBN Code: : 1401303935
  • Publisher : Hachette Books
  • Folio : 800 pages
  • Genre : Biography & Autobiography
  • Reviews : 463 Readers
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In his commanding new volume, the eminent NPR critic Tim Riley takes the states on the remarkable journeying that brought a Liverpool fine art student from a disastrous babyhood to the highest realms of fame. Riley portrays Lennon's rise from Hamburg'due south cherry lite district to Britain's Royal Variety Show; from the charmed naiveté of "Love Me Exercise" to the soaring ambiguity of "Don't Let Me Down"; from his shotgun spousal relationship to Cynthia Powell in 1962 to his epic media romance with Yoko Ono. Written with the disquisitional insight and stylistic mastery readers have come up to look from Riley, this richly textured narrative draws on numerous new and exclusive interviews with Lennon's friends, enemies, confidantes, and associates; lost memoirs written by relatives and friends; likewise every bit previously undiscovered City of Liverpool records. Riley explores Lennon in all of his contradictions: the British art pupil who universalized an American style, the anarchic stone 'due north' roller with the moral spine, the anti-jazz snob who posed naked with his avant-garde lover, and the misogynist who became a househusband. What emerges is the enormous, seductive, and confounding personality that made Lennon a cultural touchstone. In Lennon, Riley casts Lennon equally a modernist hero in a sweeping epic, dramatizing rock history anew every bit Lennon himself might take experienced it.

John Lennon: Legendary Musician & Beatle PDF Book By Jennifer Joline Anderson

John Lennon: Legendary Musician & Beatle

  • Writer: Jennifer Joline Anderson
  • ISBN Lawmaking: : 1616133503
  • Publisher : ABDO
  • Page : 112 pages
  • Genre : Juvenile Nonfiction
  • Reviews : 631 Readers
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Books Synopsis

John Lennon was one of history's about influential musicians. This title highlights Lennon'southward background and his role in the formation of the groundbreaking band The Beatles. Also covered in detail are Lennon's famous war protests and his 1980 assassination. Recently released Beatles CDs, and the Cirque de Soleil masterpiece Love appealed to many young people. With Beatles songs for the Rock Band™ video game coming this fall, as well as remastered Beatles recordings, this title is a timely addition to any collection for center and loftier schools and YA programs. Lives Cut Brusque is a series in Essential Library, an imprint of ABDO Publishing Company.

John Lennon - Power to the People: The Hits (Songbook) PDF Book By John Lennon

John Lennon - Power to the People: The Hits (Songbook)

  • Author: John Lennon
  • ISBN Code: : 1458439119
  • Publisher : Hal Leonard Corporation
  • Folio : 72 pages
  • Genre : Music
  • Reviews : 875 Readers

Books Synopsis

(Piano/Vocal/Guitar Artist Songbook). Released in 2010 to coincide with what would have been the 70th altogether of the one-time Beatle, this terrific drove assembles xv of Lennon's virtually popular songs: Common cold Turkey * Gimme Some Truth * Give Peace a Take chances * Happy Xmas (War Is Over) * Imagine * Instant Karma * Jealous Guy * Heed Games * #9 Dream * Power to the People * Stand by Me * (Merely Like) Starting Over * Watching the Wheels * Whatever Gets Yous Through the Nighttime * Woman.


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