How Is at & T Going to Be Up Again in Caldwell County Texas

Cardinal facts

  • Tinea is a fungal infection found in moist, warm parts of the torso.
  • Examples of types of tinea include athlete's foot, ringworm and jock itch.
  • Symptoms of tinea include a red flaky rash that can scissure, split and peel, plus blistering and itching.
  • Tinea can affect anyone, but is common among sportspeople and those who share communal change rooms.
  • Tinea is often treated with anti-fungal medicines, normally a cream, and tin exist prevented with good hygiene.

What is tinea?

Tinea is a mutual and contagious fungal skin or nail infection. The tinea mucus thrives in warm, moist environments, then areas like the anxiety, the groin, the scalp, nether the breasts and sometimes the toe and fingernails are ideal places for the fungus to grow.

Near tinea infections are mild.

What are the types of tinea?

Tinea can affect many areas of the skin/nails and the infection volition accept a different proper noun depending on the location and type of mucus. These different types include:

  • smash infection (onychomycosis) — a fungal infection of the toe or fingernails
  • athlete's foot (tinea pedis) — a fungal infection of the skin on the feet
  • ringworm of the scalp (tinea capitis) — a fungal infection that develops on the head
  • ringworm of the body (tinea corporis) — a fungal infection of the body that develops on the height layer of the skin
  • jock crawling (tinea cruris) — a rash in the moist, warm areas of the groin

Nail infection

Nail infection

Athlete's human foot

Athlete's foot



Jock crawling

Jock itch

Who is at chance of tinea?

Tinea can bear on anyone. Immature people and men — every bit well every bit anyone who plays a lot of sport, spends time in communal changing rooms and showers, or who wears runners (sneakers) — are most likely to be affected by athlete'due south foot.

What are the symptoms of tinea?

Symptoms of tinea depend on where in the trunk it is:

  • Skin: a blood-red flaky rash that can crevice, divide and peel; the rash tin spread out in a cerise band, with normal-looking skin in the middle. This is chosen 'ringworm', but this can be a footling misleading considering at that place is no worm involved.
  • Feet: Itchy, blood-red blisters between the toes, cracked skin
  • Nails: Thick and crumbly nails
  • Groin: Itchy and painful rash
  • Head: Itchy, blood-red areas on the scalp; bald patches

CHECK YOUR SYMPTOMS — Use the rashes and skin bug Symptom Checker and find out if yous need to seek medical help.

How is tinea treated?

If yous think you have tinea, check with your doc. They may take a small sample to confirm which fungus is causing the infection.

Tinea is treated with anti-fungal medications, which usually come equally a cream, ointment, gel or nail lacquer. You can purchase these over-the-counter from any chemist's shop and from some supermarkets. Follow the awarding instructions on the package carefully and speak to your chemist if yous have questions.

It tin take weeks or even months for tinea to clear up, depending on what type of mucus information technology is. It is of import to keep using the anti-fungal medication as instructed even afterwards the tinea appears to take gone.

Some people might need prescription tablets if the tinea is widespread, if the treatment to the skin has not worked, if information technology is on the caput, if it is in the nails, or if it keeps coming back.

All medicines can have side effects. Before using tinea medicines you lot can ask your medico or pharmacist almost:

  • the side furnishings of your tinea medicines
  • their benefits
  • what to do if you miss a dose
  • what to do if you experience side furnishings

Talk to your doctor equally soon every bit possible if you feel unwell when taking your medicines. Do not cease or alter your medicines without talking to your doctor. You can await upwardly information about medicines hither.

The infected expanse should be kept clean and dry out because the fungus prefers to grow in moist, warm conditions.

Discover A Wellness SERVICE — The Service Finder can help you lot find doctors, pharmacies, hospitals and other health services.

Enquire YOUR DOCTOR — Preparing for an appointment? Utilise the Question Architect for full general tips on what to ask your GP or specialist.

Can tinea exist prevented?

Skilful personal hygiene can aid foreclose you from getting a tinea infection. Keeping the torso clean volition also stop the infection from spreading to other areas.

There are several things you tin can practice to help manage or avoid the condition:

  • Tinea is contagious and then information technology's important not to share towels, flannels, bathmats, treatment creams or shoes. Wear thongs when showering in a communal shower.
  • After washing, dry out the peel thoroughly, especially between the toes, in the groin and under the breasts.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and h2o after cleaning the infected surface area to brand sure y'all practise non spread your infection to other parts of your trunk or onto other people.
  • Apply antiperspirants to help command excessive sweating.
  • Try not to scratch your rash as you may spread the infection to other parts of your body.
  • Attempt to expose the skin to as much fresh air as possible.

In add-on to good hygiene, your option of habiliment and footwear can also brand a difference:

  • Make sure your feet are completely dry before putting on socks, stockings or tights.
  • Wear clothing made from natural fibres instead of synthetics to prevent sweating and to avoid warm, moist peel areas developing.
  • Wear socks and shoes made from natural materials, such as cotton, when possible and try to choose footwear that keeps your anxiety cool and dry.
  • Modify socks, tights or stockings and bra every day.


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