Force Uploading of Files Using Wp Cli

The writer selected the Complimentary Software Foundation to receive a donation equally part of the Write for DOnations program.


WP-CLI is a command-line tool for WordPress evolution and administrative tasks. Information technology provides several commands that yous can employ to manage your WordPress website without needing to log in to the dashboard and navigate through the pages.

Using WP-CLI to manage your WordPress installation over the conventional interface procedure helps to speed up your workflow. For many aspects of your website, y'all can besides use WP-CLI in Bash scripts to automate tasks that are tedious or have a long time to perform.

In this tutorial, you'll use many of the features of WP-CLI and discover how it tin can fit into your workflow. You'll cover common operations such as managing plugins and themes, creating content, working with the database, and updating WordPress. The capabilities of WP-CLI go beyond this tutorial; withal, y'all'll be able to transfer the skills from this tutorial to work with the more common options of other WP-CLI features.


To follow this tutorial, yous'll need a secure WordPress installation. If y'all need to fix WordPress, you tin can follow these tutorials for your called server distribution:

  • A server that is configured with a non-root sudo user. You can follow one of our Initial Server Setup Guides for this.
  • Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (LAMP stack) installed on your server. Follow How To Install Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (LAMP) stack for your server's distribution.
  • A secure WordPress installation. You can set this up by following How To Install WordPress with a LAMP Stack.

Note: It's also possible to install WordPress with WP-CLI if you don't have an existing setup, just we won't be roofing that aspect in this article.

Step 1 — Installing WP-CLI

In this step, you lot'll install the latest version of the WP-CLI tool on your server. The tool is packaged in a Phar file, which is a packaging format for PHP applications that makes app deployment and distribution convenient.

Y'all can download the Phar file for WP-CLI through curl:

  1. coil -O

Once you have downloaded the file, run the following command to verify that information technology is working:

  1. php wp-cli.phar --info

Yous volition receive the post-obit output:



OS: Linux v.iv.0-51-generic #56-Ubuntu SMP Mon Oct five 14:28:49 UTC 2022 x86_64 Vanquish: /bin/bash PHP binary: /usr/bin/php7.four PHP version: seven.4.3 php.ini used: /etc/php/7.4/cli/php.ini WP-CLI root dir: phar://wp-cli.phar/vendor/wp-cli/wp-cli WP-CLI vendor dir: phar://wp-cli.phar/vendor WP_CLI phar path: /home/ayo WP-CLI packages dir: WP-CLI global config: WP-CLI project config: WP-CLI version: two.4.0

Next, make the file executable with the following control:

  1. chmod +10 wp-cli.phar

At this point, y'all tin can execute the wp-cli.phar file directly to admission the WP-CLI tool. To make information technology available globally on the system, move information technology to your /usr/local/bin/ directory and rename it to wp. This ensures that you lot can access WP-CLI from whatever directory past entering the wp command at the first of a prompt:

  1. sudo mv wp-cli.phar /usr/local/bin/wp

Now, you volition be able to issue the following control to check the installed version of WP-CLI:

  1. wp cli version


WP-CLI 2.iv.0

In this pace, you installed WP-CLI on your server. You can bank check out alternative installation methods in the documentation. In subsequent sections, y'all'll explore the tasks you lot tin accomplish through the WP-CLI interface.

Step ii — Configuring WordPress Plugins

Information technology can be irksome to install and manage WordPress plugins through the admin user interface. It's possible to offload such tasks to WP-CLI to make the process much faster. In this section you will learn to install, update, and delete plugins on a WordPress site through the command line.

Earlier y'all go on, brand sure you are in the directory of your WordPress installation:

  1. cd /var/www/wordpress

Remember to change the highlighted directory name to the directory that contains your WordPress installation. This might be your domain name, if you followed the prerequisite tutorials.

Listing Current Plugins

You can list the currently installed plugins on a WordPress site with the following control:

  1. wp plugin listing

It displays a list of plugin names along with their status, version, and an indication of an available update.



+---------+----------+-----------+---------+ | proper noun | status | update | version | +---------+----------+-----------+---------+ | akismet | inactive | available | | | hello | inactive | none | | +---------+----------+-----------+---------+

Searching for Plugins

You tin can search for plugins through the search bar on the WordPress plugin repository page or you can utilize the following command for quicker access:

  1. wp plugin search seo

Once you lot run this control, you will receive a list of the top 10 plugins that lucifer the search term (as of early 2021). The expected output for the seo query is:



Success: Showing 10 of 4278 plugins. +------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+--------+ | name | slug | rating | +------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+--------+ | Yoast SEO | wordpress-seo | 98 | | All in One SEO | all-in-one-seo-pack | 92 | | Rank Math – SEO Plugin for WordPress | seo-past-rank-math | 98 | | The SEO Framework | autodescription | 98 | | SEOPress, on-site SEO | wp-seopress | 98 | | Slim SEO – Fast & Automated WordPress SEO Plugin | slim-seo | 92 | | W3 Total Cache | w3-total-cache | 88 | | LiteSpeed Cache | litespeed-cache | 98 | | SEO 2022 by Squirrly (Smart Strategy) | squirrly-seo | 92 | | WP-Optimize – Clean, Compress, Enshroud. | wp-optimize | 96 | +------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+--------+

Yous can get to the adjacent page by using the --page flag:

  1. wp plugin search seo --page= 2

Take annotation of the value in the slug cavalcade. You'll utilise this value to install or update the plugin on the control line.

Installing Plugins

Yous tin can install one or more than plugins past using the wp plugin install command. You notice the name of the plugin y'all want to install (in the slug column) and pass it as an argument to wp plugin install. You tin can too find the name of the plugin in the URL of the plugin folio.

Plugin name in URL

  1. wp plugin install jetpack wordpress-seo gutenberg

The output indicates the progress and completion of the installation of each of the plugins:



Installing Jetpack – WP Security, Fill-in, Speed, & Growth (nine.iii.1) Downloading installation package from Unpacking the package... Installing the plugin... Plugin installed successfully. Installing Yoast SEO (15.6.two) Downloading installation package from Unpacking the package... Installing the plugin... Plugin installed successfully. Installing Gutenberg (ix.8.1) Downloading installation parcel from Unpacking the package... Installing the plugin... Plugin installed successfully. Success: Installed 3 of iii plugins.

You tin run the wp plugin list command again to ostend that you've installed the plugins successfully:



+---------------+----------+-----------+---------+ | name | status | update | version | +---------------+----------+-----------+---------+ | akismet | inactive | available | 4.ane.7 | | gutenberg | inactive | none | 9.viii.1 | | hello | inactive | none | 1.7.ii | | jetpack | inactive | none | nine.3.1 | | wordpress-seo | inactive | none | xv.6.2 | +---------------+----------+-----------+---------+

If you want to install a plugin from a remote source other than the WordPress plugin repository, you lot can laissez passer the goose egg file's URL every bit an argument to wp plugin install. This can be helpful for installing custom or premium plugins. For instance, the following command volition install the file hosted on Brand certain to replace the highlighted URL with a link to the plugin cipher file earlier running the control:

  1. wp plugin install

To install an older version of a plugin in the WordPress repository, specify the desired plugin version through the --version flag:

  1. wp plugin install jetpack --version= 8.0

Activating and Deactivating Plugins

You lot can install and actuate plugins in one become past appending the --actuate flag to wp plugin install:

  1. wp plugin install redirection --activate


Installing Redirection (5.0) Downloading installation parcel from Using cached file '/home/ayo/.wp-cli/cache/plugin/redirection-5.0.naught'... Unpacking the bundle... Installing the plugin... Plugin installed successfully. Activating 'redirection'... Warning: Plugin 'redirection' is already active. Success: Installed i of i plugins.

To activate or deactivate one or more plugins, use the wp plugin activate and wp plugin deactivate commands respectively:

  1. wp plugin actuate jetpack gutenberg
  2. wp plugin deactivate jetpack gutenberg

Or y'all can use the --all flag to activate or deactivate all plugins at once. This is useful if yous desire to debug a problem in your WordPress installation:

  1. wp plugin activate --all
  2. wp plugin conciliate --all

Updating Plugins

You can update plugins through the wp plugin update control. Yous can choose to update a set of plugins or all of them at once past appending the --all flag. For instance, to update the akismet plugin, you can run the following command:

  1. wp plugin update akismet

Yous would receive output like to:



Enabling Maintenance mode... Downloading update from Unpacking the update... Installing the latest version... Removing the sometime version of the plugin... Plugin updated successfully. Disabling Maintenance style... +---------+-------------+-------------+---------+ | name | old_version | new_version | status | +---------+-------------+-------------+---------+ | akismet | 4.1.7 | 4.1.viii | Updated | +---------+-------------+-------------+---------+ Success: Updated 1 of 1 plugins.

Deleting plugins

To delete WordPress plugins, you can use the wp plugin delete command. You can specify one or more plugins to delete like the post-obit:

  1. wp plugin delete redirection

Your output will confirm the deletion:



Deleted 'redirection' plugin. Success: Deleted one of 1 plugins.

You can also delete all the installed plugins in one go by appending the --all flag instead of specifying the plugin names one later on the other:

  1. wp plugin delete --all

In this step, you've used WP-CLI to manage the plugins on your WordPress website. It'due south much faster to perform actions compared to clicking through the admin dashboard. In the side by side section, you'll leverage WP-CLI for installing and managing WordPress themes.

Step 3 — Configuring Themes

The process of managing themes through WP-CLI is about identical to the fashion you lot can use it to manage plugins. In this section, you'll source and apply new themes to a WordPress website through the wp theme subcommand.

First, check what themes you lot currently have installed on the website:

  1. wp theme listing

You'll receive a list of the installed themes:



+-----------------+----------+-----------+---------+ | name | status | update | version | +-----------------+----------+-----------+---------+ | twentynineteen | inactive | available | ane.8 | | twentytwenty | inactive | none | 1.6 | | twentytwentyone | active | available | 1.0 | +-----------------+----------+-----------+---------+

At that place are three themes currently installed and the active one is twentytwentyone. If you want to detect something with more features, you can try a search similar the following:

  1. wp theme search color

The output shows there are 832 themes that lucifer the color search term:



Success: Showing x of 832 themes. +---------------------+---------------------+--------+ | name | slug | rating | +---------------------+---------------------+--------+ | Colour | color | 0 | | All Colors | all-colors | 100 | | Color Blog | color-web log | 98 | | Colour Block | color-block | 0 | | X Weblog color | x-blog-color | 0 | | Multicolor Concern | multicolor-business | 0 | | ColorNews | colornews | 100 | | Colorist | colorist | 100 | | ColorMag | colormag | 98 | | MultiColors | multicolors | 74 | +---------------------+---------------------+--------+

Y'all tin can folio through the results using the --page flag. For this case, but go ahead and install the ColorMag theme since information technology has a pretty skillful rating. The --actuate flag activates the theme immediately:

  1. wp theme install colormag --actuate

The output volition ostend the installation:



Installing ColorMag (2.0.4) Downloading installation package from Unpacking the package... Installing the theme... Theme installed successfully. Activating 'colormag'... Success: Switched to 'ColorMag' theme. Success: Installed i of i themes.

If yous visit your website, you'll detect that the ColorMag theme was applied successfully.

ColorMag theme

The output from the wp theme list command notes that in that location is an update available for both the twentynineteen and twentytwentyone themes. You can update them both using the post-obit command:

  1. wp theme update --all

Yous'll receive output like to the following:



Downloading update from Unpacking the update... Installing the latest version... Removing the old version of the theme... Theme updated successfully. Downloading update from Unpacking the update... Installing the latest version... Removing the old version of the theme... Theme updated successfully. +-----------------+-------------+-------------+---------+ | name | old_version | new_version | status | +-----------------+-------------+-------------+---------+ | twentynineteen | 1.viii | i.ix | Updated | | twentytwentyone | i.0 | one.1 | Updated | +-----------------+-------------+-------------+---------+ Success: Updated two of 2 themes.

The wp theme command offers many subcommands that can help you reach tasks like getting the details of a theme, checking if a particular theme is installed, or even deleting ane or more themes. You can explore all of the options past prepending help earlier the subcommand, as in wp assistance theme or wp help theme install.

Now that you can manage themes through WP-CLI, you lot'll review the options that the tool provides for managing WordPress content.

Step iv — Creating Posts and Pages

WP-CLI provides several ways to manage content through the command line. Information technology can be more comfortable to write posts in the last if y'all're familiar with a control-line editor like nano or vim.

You can browse the list of posts on the site with:

  1. wp post list

You'll receive a list of posts:



+----+--------------+-------------+---------------------+-------------+ | ID | post_title | post_name | post_date | post_status | +----+--------------+-------------+---------------------+-------------+ | 1 | Hello world! | how-do-you-do-earth | 2021-01-24 12:32:06 | publish | +----+--------------+-------------+---------------------+-------------+

The output shows one published mail service with the title of Hello world! and an ID of one. To delete this postal service, utilize the wp post delete control and laissez passer it the mail ID:

  1. wp post delete 1

Your output will confirm the postal service'south deletion:



Success: Trashed post 1.

To create a new mail, run the post-obit command:

  1. wp post create --post_status=publish --post_title= "Sample mail created with WP-CLI" --edit

This command uses the --post_status flag to set the status of the mail. Setting it to publish ensures that the post is published immediately after running the command. If you want to create a draft instead, ready the --post_status flag to draft. The --post_title flag is how you lot tin can specify the championship of the post, while --edit causes the post trunk to be opened in the default system editor (vim). You can find out the other flags that yous can use in conjunction with the create subcommand past typing wp help mail service create in your terminal.

Once the vim editor is open, printing the i key to enter INSERT style then enter the content of the mail service into the editor. One time you're washed editing the post, exit the vim editor by pressing the ESC button and then type :wq and printing ENTER. Yous will receive the following output after exiting vim:



Success: Created post half dozen.

If yous enter the wp post list command again, you volition discover the postal service yous but created. You lot can also check the frontend of the website.

WP-CLI post

Instead of writing the mail on the command line, it's as well possible to import the mail content from a text file. Commencement, you demand to create the file. For example:

  1. touch content.txt

Adjacent, open up the file in a control-line editor to add or edit your content:

  1. nano content.txt

Once you're through with the edits, save and close the file past pressing CTRL-X followed by Y to salve. You lot tin can import the contents of that file as a WordPress post past using the following command. All you lot demand to do is specify the path to the file after the create subcommand. For the example file here, you would run:

  1. wp postal service create ./content.txt --post_title= 'Sample Post Created with WP-CLI' --post_status=publish

If you want to create a page instead of a mail service, append the --post_type flag and set it to page:

  1. wp post create --post_title= "A simple folio" --post_status=draft --post_type=folio

Generating Posts or Pages

WP-CLI also provides an pick to cleanly generate posts and pages with dummy data. This is useful if you need custom data to quickly examination a theme or plugin that you are developing. The following control is to generate posts. If you don't include additional flags, information technology volition generate 100 posts past default.

  1. wp post generate

You can change the number of posts generated by using the --count flag:

  1. wp postal service generate --count= 20

If you want to generate pages instead of posts, append the --post_type flag and set information technology to page:

  1. wp post generate --count= 20 --post_type=page

You can also utilize the wp assistance mail generate to see other available options that tin help y'all get your desired outcome.

WordPress Revisions

It is non uncommon for older sites to have tens or hundreds of revisions on their chief pages due to years of editing and updating content. Revisions tin be helpful in case you need to revert back to a previous version of your content, but they tin also hurt the performance if there are too many. Y'all tin clean upwardly all the mail service revisions in the WordPress database by executing the following command:

  1. wp postal service delete $(wp post list --post_type= 'revision' --format=ids) --force

The command enclosed in the parenthesis is evaluated first and it will produce the ids of all the postal service revisions that are present passing them to the delete subcommand. The --force flag is necessary considering posts of type 'revision' do not support beingness sent to trash.

Stride 5 — Managing Your Database

One of the most useful features of WP-CLI is its ability to collaborate with the MySQL database. For example, if y'all demand an interactive session, you can enter a MySQL prompt with the following command:

  1. wp db cli

You tin can then utilise the MySQL shell as you lot usually would and, once you are through with your tasks, get out the shell by typing exit.

For one-off queries, you can use the wp db query command by passing a valid SQL query every bit an argument to the control. For example, to listing all the registered users in the WordPress database, you could run:

  1. wp db query "SELECT user_login,ID FROM wp_users;"

Y'all will be presented with an output similar to the following:



+------------+----+ | user_login | ID | +------------+----+ | admin | 1 | +------------+----+

With wp db query yous tin can run any i-off SQL query for the WordPress database.

Backing Up and Restoring

WP-CLI also allows you lot to back up your WordPress database. Running this post-obit command volition identify a SQL dump file in the current directory. This file contains your unabridged WordPress database including your posts, pages, user accounts, menus, and so on:

          wp db export                  

Once the file is produced, y'all can move it to a different location for safekeeping:



Success: Exported to 'wordpress-2021-01-25-25618e7.sql'.

You tin can also import a SQL dump file into your database through the wp db import command. This is useful when you are migrating a WordPress website from ane location to another.

  1. wp db import file.sql

Searching and Replacing

Another common operation you can perform with WP-CLI is a find-and-replace performance. Yous can brand a dry run outset to find out how many instances it would modify. The first string is the search component while the second is the replacement:

  1. wp search-supplant --dry-run '' ''

Afterward running this, your output would be like to the post-obit:



Success: 10 replacements to be made.

Once you are certain you lot want to keep, remove the --dry-run flag from the previous control:

  1. wp search-replace '' ''

In this stride, you've reviewed several database operations that you tin can perform using WP-CLI. You can as well consummate other operations, such as optimizing the database, viewing database tables, deleting a database, or resetting one. You can explore the other options under the wp db subcommand by typing wp help db in your terminal.

Step 6 — Updating WordPress

You tin can update the core WordPress file with WP-CLI. You lot can examine the electric current version of WordPress that you have installed by running:

          wp core version                  



You tin bank check for updates through the wp core check-update command. If your version is not the latest, this volition produce an output similar to the following:



+---------+-------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | version | update_type | package_url | +---------+-------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 5.half dozen.1 | minor | | +---------+-------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+

If an update is available, you can install it with:

  1. wp core update


Updating to version 5.6.ane (en_US)... PHP Warning: Declaration of WP_CLI\Cadre\CoreUpgrader::download_package($bundle, $check_signatures = truthful) should exist uniform with WP_Upgrader::download_package($package, $check_signatures = false, $hook_extra = Array) in phar:///usr/local/bin/wp/vendor/wp-cli/core-command/src/WP_CLI/Cadre/CoreUpgrader.php on line 30 Warning: Declaration of WP_CLI\Cadre\CoreUpgrader::download_package($package, $check_signatures = true) should exist compatible with WP_Upgrader::download_package($package, $check_signatures = fake, $hook_extra = Array) in phar:///usr/local/bin/wp/vendor/wp-cli/core-command/src/WP_CLI/Cadre/CoreUpgrader.php on line 30 Downloading update from Unpacking the update... Success: WordPress updated successfully.

You tin too update to a specific version by setting the --version flag to the version number. If y'all want to revert to an older version, you also need to add the --forcefulness flag, but this isn't recommended:

  1. wp core update --version= 5.6
  2. wp cadre update --version= 5.0 --force

In this final step, y'all updated your version of WordPress with WP-CLI.


For WordPress developers and adminstrator'southward working on the command line, WP-CLI is a great addition to the toolbox. In this tutorial, we covered several of the more mutual tasks that yous can perform through the command line.

WP-CLI has many more commands and options that you tin can familiarize yourself with to accomplish even more on the command line without the spider web interface. Use wp help <control> to find out all the things yous can practise with a specific subcommand. There are likewise many community tools that extend WP-CLI with even more than features.

For more than tutorials on WordPress, check out our WordPress topic page.


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